Back when Weekend of the Dead wasn’t even called Weekend of the Dead in 2015, we had a show with just two guests. The following year Weekend of the Dead was officially born and a guest called Jeanie Jefferies, “The Blonde Zombie” from Dawn of the Dead attended. This year Jeanie returns for the first time in 8 years.
Back in 2016 she was a real fan favourite and since that show she has been requested to return on many occasions. Now we can confirm Jeanie will return with her wonderful husband Jimmy.
If you’ve never met the Blonde zombie before and you love Dawn of the Dead, then this guest is a must meet for you. Her love for the fans is unquestionably there for all to see. She interacts with each and everyone with care and attention we all love to see.
So please give a massive WOTD welcome to our third guest announcement, the beautiful and charming Jeanie Jefferies!